Five Elements of Education

Five Elements of Education
                               - Dr. Ajit Sabnis

Teacher, Student, Communication, Knowledge and the Environment. All these are intricately connected and can be easily understood by placing them alongside with the five gross elements as indicated above. 

1. The  Student ( Earth )

Here, Student becomes the 'conscious foundation'

Capacity to think grows from certain types of activities. For example, our logical and analytical ability improves by studying Maths and Science. After some time we may not remember all the portions we have studied but the developed faculty remains.

Thus what is important is the enhanced capacity of our faculty and not the subject we remember or forget. The development of  faculties in children is a slow process and mostly in sequence. Ex. Faculty of observation leads to faculty of comparison and then to Association.

2. The Teacher ( Water ) as a catalyst

We generally compare the child to a modelling clay that can be given any shape.
But here, the child is not a static entity. It is a conscious and dynamic entity. 
The role of a teacher is only to make the knowledge to flow through
In the process, the teacher will have to display the following three relations as a role model.

Relation with authority - Relation with child as a friend - Relation with child as child.

All above three relations have to be integrated and the binding agent is the Love.  

3. The Knowledge ( Fire ) as Aspiration

The knowledge represents the Fire, the flame in us. It removes all the impurities, darkness, ignorance. All knowledge pre-exists the way it is encrypted in a seed. Knowledge is never created but revealed. Mind is the reflector of this knowledge.

Our fundamental effort should be to kindle that flame in a child.

4. The Communication ( Air ) as a channel  to evoke inner knowledge

Every child is a soul in evolution. 

The true source of knowledge is deep within us like a seed. 
The best way to communicate the knowledge is not through force but enable the child to tap that inherent knowledge.

5. The Environment  ( Ether ) around

Physical environment : Children absorb what they see and live as part of that environment. 
Involve them to keep the place neat, tidy and clean.

Psychological environment : Whether children are encouraged to ask questions or not. 
Do they have freedom to think as they like etc.

Spiritual environment : The school is the place of knowledge. The place must vibe with positive atmosphere. The ambiance to be serene and peaceful.


The child should absorb from what you do and what you are , 
not from what you teach and what you show.

Ajit Sabnis



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